Developing on Atlas will feel familiar if you have experience with Solana. You can use the same libraries and CLI tools, but with one key difference: you'll need to update your RPC URL.
Once you receive your API key for the private Atlas testnet, you'll be able to interact with the chain using the following RPC URL:
1. Install the Solana CLI
You can find the Solana CLI here.
We recommend using version 1.18.xx or higher of the Solana CLI to ensure you can deploy programs to Atlas.
2. Request Airdrop
To airdrop testnet SOL to your filesystem keypair, run:
solana airdrop 10 -u https://testnet.atlas.xyz?apikey=$ATLAS_API_KEY
Expected output
Requesting airdrop of 100 SOL
Signature: 2Xz9tSJ6xuWxXEjXK4jtJe4E3h4Qdn5GwCcxSNCZeac7fw4EyzQrpBB172TZr3MPvabJPnusEhAxW1uCFRqrkugY
100 SOL
3. Deploy a Program
If you already have a program executable file, you can use the vanilla solana program deploy
command shown below to upload new programs to testnet. We recommend that you use the --use-rpc
flag, but the deploy script should work regardless as long as the CLI version is up to date.
solana program deploy -u https://testnet.atlas.xyz/?apikey=$ATLAS_API_KEY $PATH_TO_PROGRAM_SO --program-id $PROGRAM_ID --use-rpc
Replace $ATLAS_API_KEY, $PATH_TO_PROGRAM_SO, and $PROGRAM_ID with your own values
Outdated versions of the Solana CLI that deploy programs via UDP or QUIC will not work with Atlas.
Full Deploy Cycle Example
You can try out the full deploy cycle by running the following commands:
# 1. Airdrop some testnet tokens to your filesystem keypair (replace the API key with your own)
solana airdrop 10 -u https://testnet.atlas.xyz/?apikey=a7c31e9f52b43d76890f2c5e1a3b48d615f9
# 2. Clone the SPL Token Program down from Solana mainnet
solana program dump -um TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA program.so
# 3. Generate a new program ID for Atlas
solana-keygen new -f -o program-keypair.json -s --no-bip39-passphrase
# 4. Deploy the cloned program to Atlas testnet at the generated address (replace the API key with your own)
solana program deploy -u https://testnet.atlas.xyz/?apikey=a7c31e9f52b43d76890f2c5e1a3b48d615f9 program.so --program-id program-keypair.json
Next Steps
For everything else, the Atlas docs along with the Solana docs will have more than enough information to get you started!